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About Lock N Roll Los Angeles
Lock N Roll Locksmiths and Home Security Company is an experienced and well known business operating in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas. Since 1985 we are servicing residential and commercial clients. Our services include advanced security services such as alarms, access control systems and intercoms. We are also installing wrought iron products such as gates, fences, security bars and railings.
Throughout the years and as the growing demand for high security solutions we join forces and open our professional locksmith division to answer our clients with their needs. Our skilled Locksmiths provide emergency locksmith services for houses, offices, and cars.
Our new manufacturing facility includes paining department, welding and blacksmith department, wood gates department, garage door warehouse and locksmith shop.
As we keep the old tradition and style of the Spanish and European wrought iron products we are proud to offer the most advanced locksmith solutions and services whether its for the automotive, residential, commercial, industrial, government or military we will provide you with service and products that will fit you needs.
When you select our products as a standard for your applications, you will be adding value you your home, vehicle or business. We will make sure that our complete line of products and services will satisfy your requirements and allowing us to provide you with maximum security and design continuity while taking budget consideration into account.
Our company recognized today as a leading manufacturer of wrought iron and wood products, we consistently turns out the highest quality products, all which exceed the toughest internal as well as industry standards. Once installed this products will function properly for years, even under the most rigorous conditions.
The ability to provide full range of products and services supplied by one company gives you better prices then competitors.
Being immediately accessible to you is a major priority. Our entire team is always available, live representative is ready to take your call 24hr 7 days a week and immediate response to all you needs.
Business & Residential
Call Us For All Your Securityand Locksmith Needs
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Online Now888-666-2050
Did you know?
2 out of 3 residential burglaries occur through a first floor door, yet the majority of homeowners invest more in their tennis shoes than on quality locks for their doors.Call us today!

Customer Testimonials
"I’m sending this email to thank you forresponding quickly to my emergency lockout yesterday. After finding myself locked out I thought I might be in for long waiting in the rain. David your locksmith arrived within 15 minutes and had my door open in less than a minute with no damage to the door."
More Testimonial

Our Clients
911Locksmith is proud to serve and work with major corporations as well as small businesses and residential customers. Here you can find a list of some of our satisfied customers: